Degenerate Boomers
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Who's worthy of forgiveness?

I keep getting shit from cucks about being "just as bad as them" for not wanting to keep the same people who've been drilling holes in the ship onboard, so figured I'd do something I can't do on Twatter and actually explain my views in detail....

TL;DR, who's worthy of forgiveness all depends on the circumstances which led them to do a heel-face turn.

For example Cassie Jaye, who did that Red Pill documentary, was a hardcore feminazi who originally went into that project intending to make a hitpiece against MGTOW/MRA. But during the production of the movie, she learned she was on the wrong side and came around. I could trust she actually learned and regretted what she did, because at the time she came around there was no benefit to her. Her previous side was WINNING, if she just shut up and made her hitpiece she could probably be a director on the M-she-U right now. If anything her changing sides HURT her in the short term (at least until the pendulum swings). I would be willing to give her a chance, she clearly realizes she was wrong and wants to make amends.

Now compare her to all the far left losers who only "come around" once they get eaten alive by their own side. They agree with 99.9% of the agenda, they deviate on ONE thing, and they get burned. They haven't learned anything, they haven't changed their mind, they still believe in their toxic ideology, they just have nowhere else to go. Their side kicked them out, they look at our side and think "those suckers will let me in if I just give them some lip service!" And they're right! Our side is so full of cucks, that's exactly what will happen!

People like that shouldn't be welcomed in. They should be left to deal with the consequences of their actions.

If they get eaten alive by what THEY support and have been doing to us, LET IT HAPPEN!

And finally, another shot at the cucks on "our side". They are no better than the virtue signalers on the far left. All "forgiveness" is to them is a virtue signal. "Oh I'm such a good perthon, look I'm forgiving the enemy, I'm so good unlike you!" They deserve to go down with the snakes they harbor.

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