What's Frosk up to these days? Does anyone know?
Oh, most of you don't remember who she is? She's the woman whose claim to fame is speeding up the sinking of the already doomed G4TV reboot. She was talked about, laughed at, and memed for a little while, then nothing. I have no idea what she's doing nowadays, I'd have to look it up. Maybe she went back to e-sports, maybe she left the industry/community entirely and is living her life peacefully and happily elsewhere, I have no way of knowing without doing some investigative journalism.
Why is this important and why should any of you care? Well, let's compare Frosk's situation to a well known con artist.
Anita Sarkeesian created a kickstarter for her "tropes vs women in videogames" series, and was talked about, laughed at, and memed just like Frosk was. This all went according to her plan, and she used the "harassment" as an excuse to play the victim and do the rounds on game and mainstream journalist outlets. This got her a lot of extra money (from backers AND the government), industry consulting gigs, and even a speaking gig at the UN. She was able to grift insane amounts of money and cause massive damage to the industry, even AFTER a video of this "lifelong gamer" was leaked where she admitted she had to do a lot of research before launching feminist frequency because she didn't know or care about video games.
What did these 2 women do differently to get such wildly different results? Sure Sarkeesian is a trained con artist while Frosk is just an e-sports broadcaster (at least she actually came from the gaming community, unlike her predecessor...), but it's not like Frosk didn't try to capitalize on all the "harassment" she was getting. She tried the Sarkeesian tactic of playing victim and crying to the media, and.... it didn't work out very well this time.
Unlike back in GamerGate 1, nowadays no self-respecting gamer cares what the media has to say about anything. The usual suspects ran their articles, nobody read them or cared, and Frosk's 15 minutes of fame were coming to an end fast. So she re-evaluated the situation, and decided to make the rounds in the circles people actually care about and are watching. She tried to get on live streamer's shows.
But here's the good part, and the whole point of this article! Nobody took her up on that. The few who showed interest (like Quartering) were savaged by their own audiences until they backed down. So Frosk found herself in an unfortunate situation. The legacy media ran with her story, but nobody pays attention to them so nobody cared. The new media refused to platform her, so nobody cared.
Because she couldn't get attention on any platforms people actually care about, she disappeared from the public consciousness REAL quick. All the drama surrounding her, all the potential grifting and damage, GONE AND FORGOTTEN practically overnight. Despite the cries of cucks everywhere that were were being "just as bad as them" for not giving a bad actor a platform, we won the fight without firing a single shot. Tell me, is that not preferable to another decade of Sarkeesian 2.0?
What's the lesson here? Simple, now that the media is back under OUR control, we get to set the narrative. We already avoided another Sarkeesian situation, and we should learn from this to stop anything else like that from ever happening again.
Outside grifters or enemy infiltrators trying to come in and shit up our spaces? Kick them out, laugh at them, and don't legitimize them. A great recent example of that working is Matt Walsh and other tradcucks who after years of dismissing us and our hobbies/interests as "childish" and "irrelevant" suddenly want in when we start winning. WE now control the gates, and as long as we do our jobs as gatekeepers properly we may be able to fix our hobbies soon enough.
As Musk said, we are the media now. And now that the media is back under the control of actual fans the corpos have no excuse for not knowing what fans want anymore. Those who still dismiss us as a "loud minority" deserve the failure they have coming. Don't shed a tear for them, use their story to inform future corpos what happens when they turn on their own fans. It's going to take a lot of time, and a lot of bad actors will need to be purged from the industry, but for the first time in over a decade the industry is finally back on a positive trajectory.
So stay strong and stay the course, don't legitimize bad actors, and we'll get things back on track before you know it!