Degenerate Boomers
Gaming • Politics • Culture
For everyone who's sick of political ideologues infesting all your hobbies. Here you can chill with fellow fans of culture without worrying about Twitter outrage mobs forcing their way in and ruining everything.
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The next Dragon Age coming out next month. This is the biggest you can make your boobs. A fuckin A-cup. They also showed us how ugly you can make your character with scars and shit. So you can have zipper tits.

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We have our anime of the season already!
Gotta hand it to them, they understand their audience.
If only all parents were this good!
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Even though Final Fantasy has been dogshit for 15+ years and hasn't had a good main entry game since FFX, I wonder if the latest FF slop(XVI) is even worth torrenting just for modding(contrary to Square Eunichs' discouragement of PC mods).

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