Degenerate Boomers
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For everyone who's sick of political ideologues infesting all your hobbies. Here you can chill with fellow fans of culture without worrying about Twitter outrage mobs forcing their way in and ruining everything.
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We have our anime of the season already!
Gotta hand it to them, they understand their audience.
If only all parents were this good!

Had to take a second look just to make sure this wasn't a troll by undead chronic 🤣

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Just like with the Kansen, and T-Dolls, Nikke Night battles await!

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The 4B Movement and America.

[Skip to the brackets for the American bit]

Another rant brothers, this time about the 4B movement and its failure in Korea and the inevitable failure in America.

So over the past 4 days we have seen online, mostly on twitter (X, retarded name) how the US election had led way to the most toxic of toxic bitches adopting the 4B movement in Korea.

That which pretty much creeds women to abstain from sex, marriage procreation and general coexistence with men.

As we have learned from plenty of channels, be it RGE Throigh some article, Chronic, hammerhand, TFM and RPM who have brought It up on stream or made videos of it, or guys that are literally on the grounds like legal mindset (who I think has talked about).

The point being, we have heard how it is Korean women adhering to pretty much eastern feminazism.

Now if I remember, the east is having a huge population decline between Korea, Japan and China(surprisingly when about about 1/7th+ world population is from China.)

With that you have to ask why? Similarly to the west, eastern ...

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