I don't care who wins, I don't care what happens to Hollywood. In fact I want both sides to lose. And what reason do I have to feel any different?
These are the same people who were all for the lockdowns. They released that cringy "imagine" video saying we're all in this together, while THEY got exemptions to keep working. We were a sacrifice they were willing to make, though ironically they didn't seem to predict how us not having money would result in them making less money, but hey they're professional pretenders not people with a middle school understanding of economics.
They couldn't shut up on social media about how the unvaccinated SHOULD lose their jobs and be treated like shit because somehow even though THEY got vaccinated and should be immune someone else not getting it is literally going to kill their grandma or something. Some of em were even throwing out suggestions of concentration camps for the unvaxxed and the like. And now we're expected to care when they're losing their ...