Degenerate Boomers
Gaming • Politics • Culture
For everyone who's sick of political ideologues infesting all your hobbies. Here you can chill with fellow fans of culture without worrying about Twitter outrage mobs forcing their way in and ruining everything.
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This is from a T-rated game

Are you also sick of developers lying about why they censored their games? Well it's time to call the lying sacks of shit out!

FYI I'm using Action Taimanin as an example of developers releasing super fanservice outfits in a T-rated game and SOMEHOW they didn't have to worry about muh ratings or muh platform censorship. AKA the developers who make those excuses are lying.

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Even girls can be bros!
When the legacy industry realizes they need you way more than you need them, but you've already found a better alternative and are never coming back.
Love a good return to form!
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