Degenerate Boomers
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Why the Bud Light Boycott Succeeded Where Others Failed

Everyone seems surprised the Bud Light boycott is actually working and seeing great results. Probably because the vast majority of other boycotts fail. Why is that? Well, first let's look at the failures.

Most recently we have the Hogwarts Legacy "boycott". This one failed simply because far-left activists make up a fraction of a percent of the population, and it just seems like there are more of them due to them being artificially boosted on social media while their opposition gets censored. They could shriek all they want, normal people saw that and shrugged "Well I like Harry Potter and I couldn't care less about JK Rowling's opinion on transformers, so whatever". No amount of artificial boosting by social and mainstream media could make this fake grassroots boycott a success.

Then you got most boycotts on "our side" that never go anywhere. The reason for this is once again social (and mainstream) media censorship and spin. When it looks like something is gaining traction, it gets shut down. Even in the Bud Light case YouTube started actively protecting them and Dylan, going after and suppressing people talking about the situation. And they are far from the only ones. Normally that would be the end of it, but this time it's not. The boycott is still going strong. Why?

Well the answer is simple IMO. Beer is a product usually enjoyed in a social environment. People gather together IN PERSON to enjoy beer. Even if only 1 out of 200 people at a party is terminally online and aware of the controversy, that one person can tell the others FREELY, with no centralized power to censor them. That is key. This boycott spread via word of mouth at social gatherings, far from the Nazis that run pretty much all social media platforms. It didn't matter that social media was suppressing the story, it didn't matter that the mainstream media pretended it was a non-issue when woke hedge funds invested in the company to try to make it look like the boycott had no effect, they couldn't stop people from talking in meatspace.

This is also why they are pushing so hard for social media censorship. This boycott reminded them of how much power we have when we can speak freely, so expect them to try to crack down on us even harder next time.

Until then though, maybe instead of just focusing on going back to our own websites/forums and moving away from centralized social media, we should also consider moving some communications offline entirely?

Just a thought. Worked well this time, and I don't see YouTube having the resources to send their Gestapo to every bar in the US!

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