Don't worry, not MY drama. Just want to talk about some misconceptions and hidden truths about a lot of creator drama that tends to get so bad it ends projects.
From what I've observed, the problem of creator drama destroying projects isn't with the groups/creators involved, the problem is entirely because of..... crowdfunding!
Drama between creators happens ALL THE TIME. Projects fail due to "creative differences" ALL THE TIME. Sometimes it's all behind the scenes and you never even know a project was being worked on when the creators split and cancel the project. Sometimes a previously announced project gets canceled. It's really not that unusual in any creative industry.
However, when you add crowdfunding to the mix, THAT is when you create a massive problem. Sure it's #NotAGoodLook for any project to fall apart publicly, but with crowdfunding you already took people's money. When you already took money for a project and spent it and can't deliver it or at least give a refund.... THAT is the biggest problem!
But unfortunately a lot of people don't have the maturity and will to carry on with a crowdfunded project that they were already paid for regardless of what "creative differences" they may be having. Some people just aren't cut out for crowdfunding and should limit themselves to doing what Rippa does and pre-funding production before collecting money.
TL;DR, if you took people's money in advance to create a project, everyone involved needs to put on their big girl panties and put delivery of the project above their "creative differences". Even if they agree to end what was supposed to be an ongoing thing after one single release, you have to deliver what you've been paid to deliver. And if you can't do that, clearly the crowdfunding model is not for you.