Degenerate Boomers
Gaming • Politics • Culture
For everyone who's sick of political ideologues infesting all your hobbies. Here you can chill with fellow fans of culture without worrying about Twitter outrage mobs forcing their way in and ruining everything.
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Relative Toxicity

Whenever someone brings up "toxicity", it's important to remember that something vital for one being's survival (oxygen for example) is toxic to another, to the point of being fatal.

So never give that word too much power. It's all relative. If you have a group where everyone enjoys themselves and has a good time, and some outsider comes in and starts complaining about how the group is "toxic", is the group REALLY toxic, or is it the outsider that forced their way in?

If there was no problem until an outsider forced their way in, you always need to consider if maybe these people or groups are incompatible. What REALLY is the best solution? Do the 100 people originally in the community have to stop having fun to avoid offending the 1 new snowflake? Doesn't make sense does it. Would make a lot more sense to just kick out the toxic outsider.

The only reason we have this problem is because #CurrentYear soyciety is obsessed with making everything "inclusive" to everyone. Which is literally impossible. One toxic outsider comes in and complains, the 100 people already there have to bend the knee. Of course this is never reciprocated, if the one new toxic outsider makes the 100 original people uncomfortable, THEY are told to just deal with it.

Why is something so obvious being ignored? This whole woke cancer could be resolved overnight if the 99% just learned to tell the whiny 1% to get lost.

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