Degenerate Boomers
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The relationship between wokeness and talent

TL;DR, the two are mutually exclusive. There are two main aspects to their relationship though, all revolving around formerly talented people who lose all their talent after getting woke.

First possibility is that just like any other religious cult, new converts feel like they've "woken up" and make it their life goal to wake everyone else up too. They see EVERYTHING through their new far left regressive lens, and this obviously finds its way into their work. So what talent they used to have before gets overshadowed by blatant preaching and drives away their audience.

Second, you have washed up creators who haven't had a hit in years if not decades try to use wokeness as a last ditch effort to get a job. This is especially prevalent among white men who feel if they don't take the woke cock up the ass, they won't be able to keep working in their industry. Which, while it may be true, is the wrong choice compared to spinning off and making their own industry and replacing the dying one they left behind while they still have some positive reputation and recognition, but oh well. The icing on the cake is when they publicly denounce and distance themselves from the only success they've ever had. No coming back from that.

The second option is also full of new people who've never had any talent and rely entirely on identity politics and parroting the "right side of history" talking points to land a job. Let's pretend for a second there are actually talented people who use this method... Doesn't matter. Even if they had actual talent, not like they'd be able to use it under these circumstances anyway. If they tell any story other than a trans black lesbian in a wheelchair dealing with societal oppression, their ideas will be rejected and after enough rejections they'll be fired.

All that to say that talent and wokeness are mutually exclusive, and you're not missing out on much if you refuse to work with anyone coming from a toxic woke infested industry. No people with actual talent work in an environment like that, and absolute best case you'd get someone painfully average who couldn't abandon the sinking ship and find a better alternative fast enough and just plays along to get along and continue drawing a paycheck.

Keep this in mind because as companies are forced to either drop wokeness or go bankrupt, you'll be seeing a lot of pretenders claiming they've always been on our side. Just like in the past, when a war is almost over the soldiers on the losing side burn their uniforms and run back to their family farms and pretend they were good boys who didn't do anything, they've been humble farmers all along.

But in current year we have a permanent record known as the internet. It's going to be pretty hard for them to pull off this trick now.

So before working with someone who was "always on your side" as they participated in destroying what they claim to love and canceling everyone who disagreed with them, instead of giving known bad actors a second, third, 400th chance, consider giving a first chance to someone brand new who doesn't come with all that baggage and a horrible reputation.

You'd be surprised at how much awesome talent is out there, and has been gatekept out of the dying industry by these same parasites that want to attach themselves to you now.

You have been warned, if you still make the wrong decision after reading this then I guess Darwin will be having a word with you shortly.

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