Going to completely skip over the usual "not every game has to be for everyone" answer, because I'm going after a specific type of stupid today... And that is the following BS:
"DURRRR, video games are the only form of entertainment with a skill barrier! Books, movies, music, etc. don't skill check you to advance! Imagine having to complete a skill challenge to continue reading a book all the way to the end! Why do we accept this in video games? HURRR DURRR!"
Weird. It's almost as if video games have one MAJOR difference compared to all those other forms of entertainment (notice they leave out things like board games? weird...). Video games are INTERACTIVE. User input is vital to the experience. Books, movies, music, theater, etc. are all passive entertainment. What a shock that INTERACTIVE entertainment might have some major differences, like skill checks, compared to passive entertainment!
If you have interactive entertainment and take away all consequences of doing a bad job, what's even the point? May as well make a "press X to continue" walking simulator movie. Oh wait, there are a lot of those nowadays huh? In that case, why even bother having interactivity at all, just make it a damn movie.
But for all the game urinalists out there, don't worry, even games like Elden Ring have an easy mode just for you! It's called watching someone else play the game on YouTube or Twitch... That's what you want, isn't it? Video games as passive entertainment like all the others? You can experience the story without having to worry about a skill barrier!
So shut the fuck up and watch someone else play it if you can't be bothered to learn to play it yourself, and stop ruining it for everyone else.