Degenerate Boomers
Gaming • Politics • Culture
For everyone who's sick of political ideologues infesting all your hobbies. Here you can chill with fellow fans of culture without worrying about Twitter outrage mobs forcing their way in and ruining everything.
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The state of gaming & GPU's....

Funny situation this market is in now. Consoles have been holding gaming back since the 7th gen so GPU manufacturers didn't need to go too crazy while gamers were their main audience. GPU's were reasonably priced and powerful.

Then 4k monitors entered the scene, supporting 60fps at first and even more now. More power (and price) was needed. Then to top it off crypto exploded, and all the miners were buying up GPU's. Prices and performance skyrocketed, though price rose much higher than performance.

Now, even the consoles have finally caught up to where PC's were over a decade ago and can support 4k and 60fps (though not at the same time lol) and crypto mining is dead, so we're back to gamers being the main demographic for GPU's. And games are still being held back by consoles, so there's not really any advantage to crazy over the top GPU's anymore.

We're about to see a massive market correction as price and performance levels off again.

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When the legacy industry realizes they need you way more than you need them, but you've already found a better alternative and are never coming back.
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