Degenerate Boomers
Gaming • Politics • Culture
For everyone who's sick of political ideologues infesting all your hobbies. Here you can chill with fellow fans of culture without worrying about Twitter outrage mobs forcing their way in and ruining everything.
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Fakebook's time is almost up!

Let's ANALyze the most egregious errors:

1) Kids don't want to be on the same platform mom and grandma are on, unless they can do it without them knowing. So Fakebook either pisses off parents by allowing kids to skirt around parental controls, or they won't get kids signing up.

2) Everyone who was going to get a Fakebook account already has one, no more room for growth. And focusing on sustainability is not an option because the investors want infinite growth.

3) Making the above problems worse by banning people for bullshit politically motivated ideological reasons, then complaining about declining user numbers.

4) Failing to buy up the "correct" competitors that are now replacing them.

5) Going all in on failing fads like the metaverse.

6) Apple and Google destroyed their main source of income (spying on you and selling your info to advertisers).

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they folded completely and disappeared, unlike MySpace which is still chugging along with ...

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Even girls can be bros!
When the legacy industry realizes they need you way more than you need them, but you've already found a better alternative and are never coming back.
Love a good return to form!
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